Add People Development Capacity
That fits your needs.
the SPARC Organizational Coaching System
SPARC can help you build a coaching culture and capacity into your people development offerings with the sustainable and self perpetuating SPARC Organizational Coaching System.
Coaching is an effective solution to accelerate individual and organizational capacity for change and innovation. Studies have demonstrated that as a people development strategy coaching has a 7X ROI.
Our system builds coaching capacity and culture at scale.
Once built, the system is self-perpetuating and sustainable as a core people development strategy for your organization.
The system is modular, and can be scaled in over time and as you are ready, beginning with the two foundational coaching certifications - Coaching Skills Certificate, and Coaching Tools and Models Certificate.
Solutions as unique as you are
It all begins with Discovery. We start by questioning, researching, and evaluating to get a clear picture of your people, culture, strategy and operations.
Plan It
We create a strategy that is tailor made for your organization people, culture, values and needs.
Make it Happen
We work with you to implement our agreed upon plan with check points for process improvement and evaluation.