Strategy is a disciplined process of discovering and developing options and making choices.

Strategic discipline ensures the best decisions are aimed at the desired future, given all available inputs. As strategic advisors, SPARC works with our clients to assist organizational leaders in making the best choices they can to improve their organization's future outcomes. We provide an extra eye on the strategy ball as a focused partner while you play the day-to-day game of operational success.

Advisors assist leaders with strategic decision-making.

The creation of a strategic vision and the corresponding strategic plan, as well as the implementation and evolution of the plan, are necessary elements for strategic leadership but are not sufficient. Strategic decision-making is necessary for planning and implementation. Leaders often get stuck in tactical decision-making. Strategic advisors can help leaders keep their eye on the strategic decisions only they can make for the organization. Strategic advisors can help leaders think through the variety of strategic options before them and the context of each strategic option to ensure optimal strategic decision-making in day-to-day leadership. SPARC associates make excellent strategic advisors. Contact us to explore how we can help.

  • Organizations need to be future-oriented even as they attend to daily organizational excellence. Setting a vision of the desired future for your organization is the first step in building a more strategic approach. We can help you develop a compelling vision of the future that will inspire stakeholders.

  • Every compelling strategic vision needs a clear and precise plan of action with measurable goals and objectives and a system of accountability and assessment to ensure ongoing progress on the strategic plan. We can help build the plan and the processes needed to ensure the vibrancy and accountability of the plan within your organization.

  • The best plans evolve to meet the changing environment as they are implemented while always keeping faithful to the strategic vision, goals, and objectives. Implementation can be complicated and reveal challenges not previously accounted for. We can help you adjust and evolve as you implement and keep you on track.

  • Every strategy must undergo assessment and evaluation to ensure it remains on track and moves the organization forward as planned. We can help you assess organizational progress along the way.


Advising is a confidential partnership between the advisor (the person providing the advising) and the client (senior executive receiving the advising) in a dynamic and forward-thinking exchange of ideas and perspectives that blends insights from the advisor’s experience with strategic principles and on-the-ground knowledge of the client to guide the ongoing development of company strategy and alignment of tactical approaches across the company to achieve the ideal future state. Strategic advising clients are typically organizational leaders seeking strategic advising within their formal leadership role in an organization. The priority in advising is in creating space for a leader to practice a disciplined approach to blending real-time information and strategic thinking for optimal leadership decisions.

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We’re here to help you design and implement impactful, sustainable strategies to elevate your organization’s impact. Ready to get started with SPARC?